I look at the rocks
my young granddaughter, Marley,
has been painting
as one more thing
during these
extremely distressful times
that makes my heart sing,
that help me get through it.
as her coloring
arouses my hope,
allows me
to see the beauty
beyond the ugliness,
the darkness
drowning under the bright lights
of contentment
and happiness
that lessen the gloom
that exists,
that let me know
that my progeny
is weathering a world
that scares the hell out of me –
by devoting
her loving energy
to simply applying pigmentation
to rocks
which just happen
to be,
as I dabble in a moment
of cosmic spirituality,
Mother Earth’s building blocks,
a billion years or so ago.
Oh, I love her so,
for who she is,
for how she reminds me
that giving into our creative imaginations
is so essential
to the wellbeing of
the human soul.
All her art just makes me glow.
Ernie McCray is an activist for love and peace who acts and sings and writes both poetry and prose, a man who rises each day to do whatever he can, no matter how small or grand, to make the world better in some way.